Update on making an appointment
We have listened to feedback and are making a change to our new online triage system.
If you want to make a routine or follow up appointment with one of the Drs you can phone reception on 01480 830888 and they will be able to book an appointment a week or two ahead.
If you believe you need an urgent on the day medical appointment then you will still need to fill in the ‘Contact Us Online Form’, you can also access this by clicking the image below.

Your request will then be triaged by the Duty Dr who will get back to you. The online form will be available from 7am each working day, and will close when we are at capacity. All requests received will be followed up the same day.
If you don’t have access to the internet you can still ring the surgery and one of our receptionists will fill in the online form for you. This will then be triaged in the in the same way.
Appointments for non-prescribing nurses and blood tests can still be made by phoning reception in the usual way.