We have an active patient participation group at our practice, if you would like to join the group please follow the links on this page.
About our PPG
A government initiative in 1987 was the catalyst for the formation of what we now know as the Papworth Patients’ Link. Our aims are
- good liaison between surgery staff and patients and the well-being of all
- provision of beneficial services, equipment and amenities above those the doctors are required to supply
Papworth patients generally agree our surgery offers an excellent service, but there is always room for improvement. We want to be responsive to current needs and would like to encourage more involvement from a wider representation of the 7,100 patients on the Surgery List.
If you would like to help please submit the ‘Join our PPG‘ form below (The Under 40’s are particularly under-represented!)
We know attending meetings isn’t always easy whatever time they are scheduled, and are particularly keen to hear from anyone who has experience of “virtual groups”.
We would like to know your views
- Would you be interested in a quarterly Open Evening/ Q & A Forum with different members of the Practice Medical Team?
- Are there any topics you would you like us to arrange speakers for?
- Would you be interested in joining a Walking Group, or other sporting activity?
- Do you need help getting to and from appointments, or collecting medication?
- What suggestions do you have for improvements at our surgery?
Your feedback on these sorts of issues is really important to us, please email cpicb.papworth.patientslink@nhs.net
PPG Minutes
Additional information and meeting minutes:
- Papworth Surgery Patients’ Link 2022 AGM 08/06/22
- Papworth Surgery Patients’ Link – Committee Members as at February 2022
- Papworth Surgery Patients Link Constitution
- Minutes of the 2021 Patients’ Link AGM 21/09/21
- Minutes of the Committee Meeting 7th October, 2021
- Minutes of the Committee Meeting 6th January, 2022
Join our PPG
We welcome enquiries from patients who would like to join our patient group.
If you would like to join the PPG, please complete the form below: